Friday, February 12, 2010

It's snowing in Georgia!

Honestly, the last time I saw snow in Georgia, was AT LEAST 12 years ago! It's so neat - and so weird. I just can't sleep because I'm having strong "Day after Tomorrow" and "I am Legend" thoughts just flying through my head... like what do I need in order to survive if the stores stay closed forever? Why did I never buy a snow shovel? Or fill my apartment with canned goods for the winter?

Of course, it's still Georgia. This won't last forever... but that's what they said in those movies, too...


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pink Eye

So my little boy has pink eye! I noticed it Sunday night when he woke up for his feeding and it was confirmed Monday at the doctors. It doesn't bother him at all of course, he just laughs and plays like there's nothing wrong - and it's not a very bad case... sometimes you can't even tell. But he still can't go to daycare, so I've been doing half days - not going to work until 11 so my husband can get some rest when he gets home before taking over as dad.

So two good things have come from this:
1. The Navy ROCKS! Letting me work half days rather than using up my leave days!
2. My husband ROCKS! He takes such good care of Alex! I guess I just never really noticed it - probably because I'm tired, or maybe because I catch him on off days sometimes.

So over all - things are looking great!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Three knives

How many knives does it take to make a sandwich? The answer, of course, is three. One big knife to cut the bread (french bread - I just love any bread that's not the normal, boring "white" bread!), and then I immediately toss it into the dirty sink... and then the butter knife - for the mayo and mustard... which also gets tossed immediately... and then another big knife to cut the tomatoe... which also immediately gets tossed. Three. For a sandwich. Three.

I'm the most efficient chef in the world.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sweet Dreams

It's midnight, once again, and I just finished giving Alex his bottle. And as he's sleeping, cuddling on my chest, he starts to laugh. He does this almost every night - and I love it! I love knowing that he dreams, and I love knowing that he has such pleasant dreams every night that he must laugh out loud. He's been doing this ever since his first week of life - and I know there are those who say it's "just gas"... but his smiles and his laughs have only gotten stronger and more sweet as he gets older... I truly believe he's thinking lovely thoughts when he laughs and smiles like that.

Sometimes I wonder what thoughts could cause such a young baby to laugh and smile in his sleep... is he dreaming of milk bottles always on time? Diapers that never get soiled? Playtime with Mommy (I hope) and other loved ones? ...or maybe he simply dreams of bright, pretty colors dancing before his eyes... Either way, I'm thrilled that we have such a happy, beautiful baby... may the rest of the world be as lucky as we are!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Beautiful Alex

But no matter how bad the day is, Alex is the most beautiful and happy baby I've ever met! I don't know what I did to deserve such a perfect little boy! I'm the luckiest mommy in the world!

I've always said that I never want to be a stay-at-home mother, and that I never wanted to be "just a housewife"... but my goodness, what I wouldn't give to be able to afford to stay at home and just take care of Alex and the house! He deserves so much more from me - and I hate that work gets so much of my energy and attention. I'm grateful for the pay, of course - and as a rule, I love the Navy - but my priorities have done a 180 and now family so just SO much more important than...well... me.

And I could sing praises on Alex all day! He only cries when he needs something (usually food or if he gets very tired) and he's constantly just smiling and laughing! I love it! He's the most lovable, cuddly baby! And deserves absolutely everything (that's good for him) in the world!


Well, yesterday did't end too well. Didn't bathe him, didn't give him flouride, and didn't cut his fingernails...

But he got his bath (with the scalp thing) today and I cut his fingernails. Hopefully I give him his flouride when he wakes up next (which shouldn't be for a while)...

And Chris didn't pick him up again from the daycare... should I just give up on that? REALLY dislike the afternoon lady, though. REALLY.

Diet-wise I'm eating left over pizza, so that's not the best...

Must find more hours in a day!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So, my work day is finally over and I'm exhausted! Got home not too long ago - my husband is supposed to start picking up Alex at 3 pm because I don't like the staff after that time, but he never does, so once again I picked up Alex being taken care of by someone who just doesn't have the patience to deal with a bunch of little babies. You can tell she's irritated by them and that's not the kind of atmosphere I want Alex around. The day shift workers are so amazing and then the day ends with this woman. She irritates me too much to complain in any professional manner, so I've got to say something tomorrow morning when she's not in my face and so I'm in a better mood.

And it's great to come home to my sleeping husband, knowing he could have easily picked up Alex if he motivated himself to do it.

Feeling very irritable right now. Ordered pizza from pizza hut... and dessert. At least Chris is finally awake right now and holding Alex. Something, right?